Sunday, December 31, 2006

Using new resolutions in VMware Workstation.


Have you every been stuck with a VM that simply won't allow you to run in the resolution you want.

Well recently a friend of mine Nick Swan, (who amongst other things runs the Sharepoint User Group in the UK - found himself with a late Christmas present, a Dell 24 inch widescreen monitor!


Anyway, what he found was that VMs would allow him to select the resolution of the new monitor 1920 - 1200.

We a bit of searching later, an I turned up this info. To set the maximum resolution to something different that that provided by the default VMware SVGA driver you have to edit or add a couple of lines in the .VMX file of the VM.

Locate the lines below and if they are not there add them:

svga.maxWidth = "1024"
svga.maxHeight = "768"

You can then put in the resolution required where the numbers are.

Please note; these changes must be made while the virtual machine is completely powered off, and not while suspended or running.

Hope this helps someone else.



Monday, December 11, 2006

Nice additional AD query tool


I found this tool recently when performing an upgrade to an AD Schema.




The tools allows you to perform various searches on info in AD.


For example to check the schema version try this:


adfind -schema -s base objectVersion


Another nice thing you can do is to use the "-h server:port" to talk to remote servers.


Hope people find this useful.



Sunday, December 03, 2006

Microsoft not supported apps in a VM environment

I have just seen this page on the MCS Ireland site.

It points to a KB article 897614 which details the apps which MS doesn't support on a VM environment.

Take a look at the site but basically it reads as follows:

MS Speech Server

ISA 2000 and 2004

Sharepoint Portal Server

MIIS 2003




None of the above are supported in a VM environment.